Online Catalog: The catalog link will allow you to search materials available throughout the Seneca Library District. If you click on the catalog link on the homepage or here, the search will be confined to materials at Hamlin Library. Your search can be narrowed by type of material, subject, author, and more by using the options on the left side of the screen. Loan period: 2 week loan: Books, magazines, audio books 1 week loan: DVD
Material Renewal: Must call or email to renew an additional 2 weeks if item is not on hold.
Holds: Contact the library to reserve or hold item.
Late fees: Books, etc.: 10 cents per day DVD: 25 cents per day Once materials are declared missing, additional fees plus the cost of replacing the book will be placed on the patron's account. After 90 days legal action will be instituted.
Interlibrary Loans: Patrons may request materials that are available at other libraries in Pennsylvania- we can have it sent to us for you to check out. Although this service is free, we encourage patrons using this to donate to defray the increasing costs of postage.
Book donation policy: Donations are accepted if in good condition, and will be placed in collection and/or book sale dependent on current need. The library reserves the right to determine need and/or refuse donations. Once materials are donated, they are the property of the library.