The public library in Smethport was originally founded in 1892 and operated out of the school on King Street under the name Hamlin Library. Many people still remember the grand old ladies of the library, Miss Carrie Day and Miss Martha Colegrove, who ran the library at the school for many years. Miss Colegrove was still around to shepherd the library to its new quarters in the basement of the Masonic Building on church Street. At that point, the library was adopted by the Borough as the "Smethport Public Library." For much of its sojourn in the masonic Building, the library operated under the able and benevolent direction of Mrs. Dorothy Feit.
In 1985 the library moved a leased location at 111 West Main Street where both its circulation and patron list grew by leaps and bounds. Concern for the accomadation of increased patronage and the growth of technology led the Library Board in place at this time to conclude that a permanent home was required for the library before the end of its space lease in June 1991. A 1.25 acre parcel on Mechanic Street was purchased, providing off-street parking, and ample space for the construction of a library with 3,000 sq. ft. of space which proved itself a wonderful asset to the community.
123 South Mechanic Street / P.O. Box 422 / Smethport, PA / 814-887-9262 / [email protected]